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Hello Dear One!

And welcome to this light filled space. Welcome to the light of your own true self. This is the mission should we choose it to be so. To unveil the light of our own shining hearts. 

I’m Andrea, a lightworker, healer and yoga teacher.  I work with individuals, groups and Mother Earth to raise our vibrational frequency so that we can embody our fifth dimensional, crystalline selves.

“Activate your DNA”

“Find your resonance and live your truth”

 ‘If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’.


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My Story

I was an energy worker long before I really knew I was. My journey began with reflexology where I first acknowledged my empathic intuitive nature. Then came reiki, then yoga, then the reiki drum and then the higher realms and crystalline technology through the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. 

I’m also a busy wife and mum trying simply to embody the light of who I am and help others along the way.