
When the resonance of sound enters the body (our temple) it brings us into alignment with our true divine nature.


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Crystal Sonic Healing

Working with crystalline sound and your biofield intuitively with the bowls I use the vibrational medicine to work though any imbalances held within our layers of being. Emotions can be stored as a frequency pattern within our body and the sound frequency from the singing bowls can smooth and release patterns at a cellular level.

£55 for 60 mins

Sound Healing

Intuitive Healing & Crystal Sonic

A combined healing session working with high frequencies during ‘hands on healing’ followed by the vibrational medicine of the Crystal Tones Alchemy Singing Bowls. The alchemy bowls are infused with precious metals, gem stones and earth essences to create their own healing frequency and are musically tuned to the energy centres of our body and biofield (aura).

£55 for 60 mins

Couple Sound

Crystal Sonic Healing for Couples & Friends

A beautiful immersive, crystal sound bath experience for couples as well as friends. A relaxing and therapeutic treatment, and a beautiful gift for a friend, colleague or loved one.

£75 for 60 mins

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Group Sound Baths

An immersive experience to receive the beautiful vibrations of the Crystal Bowls to heal body, mind and spirit. A deeply relaxing, meditative experience which can be booked as a single session or a series bookings for your yoga studio, wellness space or group setting.


There’s no organ system in the body not affected by sound + vibration.