
Energy healing activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks. When energy flows freely we heal on all levels.


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Intuitive Healing

The foundations of my energy healing practice came from USUI Reiki which opened the door for me to channel higher light frequencies.  This simply means that during a healing session I’m an open channel for the Divine to come through in the perfect way for your souls evolution.  This might be your ancestors, the angelic realms, ascended masters or higher galactic beings.  Trusting that you will receive exactly what is needed in light and love.

£44 for 60 mins

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Intuitive Healing + Crystal Sonic

An alchemical fusion of Reiki energy with the the highest frequency sound healing tools available. In this time of awakening, we are all rediscovering our abilities to tune in to frequencies of our choosing. Positive vibrations are the most profound and powerful quantum tools to assist in this process of reclaiming your divinity.

£55 for 60 mins


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Reflexology is a pressure point massage of the feet working with energy ‘zones’ corresponding to a map of the whole of the body.  Similar to the meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  This soothing treatment helps to relax and harmonise the system for optimal self healing.

£44 for 60 mins


“Healing is accomplished by moving energy.”